After seeing the last cover of Vogue's American edition, I knew I had to write a little about this.
Apart from the fact that Anna Wintour is an icon that we may or may not like, I'm not going to write about her directly...just about the magazine, or I should say some of the last issues of it...I could keep going, because Vogue's history is quite long now, but I think this brief analysis of some of the facts that make me feel this love/hate thing about American Vogue are quite representative.
Ok...I HATE Vogue's last covers. That's it. I can't stand them. They don't make me want to buy the magazine. I don't even like them around in the house. I would cover them with a giant sticker or something.
What happened? They used to be quite good (although I prefer Paris Vogue or Vogue Italia's covers by far...).
Many people say that they don't like the fact that there are always actresses on them lately. I personally don't care that long as they look good.
Because they don't. They don't look as beautiful and stylish as they usually are...why?? I can't understand it. It's a fashion magazine, with the best photographers, graphists, make up artists, hairdressers, and a bunch of other excellent professionals...And things like these have been happening a lot lately:

Well...and, of course...the helmet.

What do you think?
With this, I'm not saying that I hate American Vogue, of course...but I think covers are important, and they are just not working lately, apart from other things that are not working either...and I have to say that I know that advertising is basic here. But that September issue just had too many ads. It was ridiculous.
What I love about Mrs. Wintour's beloved magazine?
Many many many things...but from them, I should say that they have created some of the moest elegant, sofisticated and stylish editorials in fashion history.
I had to choose one, and although I remember some fabulous ones made by Annie Leibowitz (remember "Alice in Wonderland" editorial with Natalia Vodianova, back in 2003?), I'm choosing one from October 2008 issue...just to keep it to the last months too.
It was photographed by Patrick Demarchelier, and the editor was legendary and fabulous Grace Coddington. It was a hommage to Haute Couture, but not only for the dresses and was a hommage for all those who make, too, the crazy fashion dream of Haute Couture come true...of course, they are the tailors, dressmakers, all the couture tecnicians that work hours and hours for that...for dreams like these wonderful creations.
I love it!
My dear La Clocharde,
Another wonderful post. I love the way you write. Totally agree with you about the covers! :-)
About the very last photo. I just watched "Signé Chanel" again last night. The tailors & dressmakers really deserve a hommage!
ps. Thanks for all the lovely comments. So much appreciated!
Fantastic post, and I couldn't agree more.
I love your blog, thanks for you post in mine, do you want to exchange links? :) I agree with what you said about American Vogue, I only buy UK Vogue & Australian Vogue...I find the recent US Vogue covers look worse than...Marie Claire covers! Eeps!
I loved that last editorial, especially because they really used the actual seamstresses in the photos. I recognized all the ladies in the Chanel pic from Signe Chanel.
Yes that last editorial that you posted was great but I agree about the covers. It used to be that I would save my American Vogues, now I try glancing through them and the I quickly put it in the trash!
Let's hope 2009 is a new start for them!
Perfect !
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