Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This is my lovely and very red vintage skirt. I bought it weeks ago and I've been experimenting a bit with it. It's quite incredible, because it's got a perfect length, by the knee. And it looks great with flares and with heels, and can look quite casual but also a bit more fancy, depending on how you combine it. It looks great a bit "high waist" with a nice belt. And I tried wearing it as a strapless top with a nice patent bow belt and black skinny pants...it looked a bit Lanvin last season. I'm working on getting over my pathologycal shyness in order to take some pics of myself wearing it that way because it looks great...maybe soon. I promise I'll try (but I'm VERY shy).

Red skirt : Vintage

I loved the skirt's brand!


Outi said...

It's understandable to be a little shy I think... To me, it is a privacy thing too: the internet is just very vast and when you put something out there it really is up for grabs, so to speak. So take your time. ;)

I was wondering, what does the name of your blog mean? I have studied French but I must admit being a little rusty (I almost wrote shy!? hah)...


Hi dear!

This skirt looks amazing. Looking forward to see it on you :-)


Auntie Tati said...

The skirt looks fabulous! Hope to see you soon wearing it :)

AlicePleasance said...

Love the skirt! It's definitely versatile and the color is wonderful :-)

Couture Carrie said...

Great skirt and pics!!


Danz said...

What a darling skirt! I don't know just how shy you are, but maybe you could post a pic showing from your neck down. I'd love to see what it looks like on!

Jimena said...

Sticky fingers, that's so cute. I hope you find the courage to post some photos of yourself wearing it soon. Neverthelss, take your time. The blog-blogger relationship can be a tricky one.

I agree with danz. Maybe you could start by posting a photo from neck down?

By the way, thank you for the lovely lovely comment on my blog. I'll be sure to check back on your too!

love, j.

Danz said...

Hey girlie, I just wanted to let you know that I'm currently running a contest on my blog to win a $25 gift certificate from a lovely online boutique. Hope you'll check it out!

Have a great day tomorrow :)